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Connecting Justice, Mindfulness, & Bias

Justice, truth, and healing

2 hr
Price negotiated
Can be online or in person. Contact presenter for details.

Service Description

The intersection of mindfulness, bias and justice can sometimes be overlooked, impeding our abilities to engage in truth-telling that forms the common memory essential for healing. Justice, Mindfulness, and Bias reviews mindfulness and bias while exploring how the practice of mindfulness can help us overcome bias as we navigate justice issues in our world. During this workshop, participants utilize a self-reflective tool to assist with a guided mindfulness process in order to aid in small group conversations around the impacts of bias on building just systems in our communities. Mindfulness, Bias and Justice is a great workshop for those looking to be introduced to the intersection of mindfulness, bias and justice as well as those looking to go deeper in their understanding of justice work.

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